Welcome and make yourself at home.

We welcome and appreciate you for coming and visiting our site. We believe that you have found an English learning website designed for non-English speakers, just like you.

Our site is to help you improve your English levels. For increased educational, professional and career opportunities. We offer personal, one-on-one teaching to only a few students at a time. We do not put through hundreds of students for greater profits, boasting thousands of students. Sadly, many sites are like this. You will not see this here.

It is for the “Individual”, you.

You’re a person with individual goals and dreams, and your time is worth investing. My Kind of English personally tailors each lesson for you. Let’s put it into action from the first lesson until you achieve your goals.

Some people will only have limited time to achieve their goals. Therefore, we keep the number of one-on-one students down.

We constantly develop activities, such as interactive games, quizzes and puzzles, word activities and fun exercises. It forms an engaging level of repetition without boredom. Boredom is the enemy of learning. Activities are kept short and simple, because learning large pieces of grammar and vocabulary is challenging and hard to remember.

My Kind of English deals with four areas of English:

  1. Beginner / Elementary
  2. Pre Intermediate / Intermediate
  3. Upper-Intermediate / Advanced
  4. And, IELTS

We have a range of customised lessons for each level and IELTS. The first three still include the necessary grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation etc. IELTS covers the four areas of the system: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

Sometimes “less is more”, and that’s how we like it, and you will like it too.

What do we mean with this?

We feel it is much better to have lots of fun and repetitious yet “engaging activities”. This means working on singular grammar points or attempting less vocabulary to create confidence, not frustration.

Our Newsletter

We have a free Newsletter to which you can subscribe. I want to help you improve your English and encourage you to learn English. It helps you learn English by teaching you new and exciting English words. Includes its history and usage and is used in idioms. Dragged over the “sharp rocks of grammar” and “melted on the fire” of vocabulary and punctuation, you will need real encouragement—the other main reason for the free newsletter.

So sign up below. It’s for free!

Welcome to tutoring

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To Whom it May concern

– re: Russell Saxelby

As trainer and assessor for Russell’s study during his study of the 10695NAT Certificate IV in TESOL, I observed Russell on a number of occasions while he completed his practical teaching lessons with ESL learners.

I found Russell to be a warm gentleman towards his students and peers. He has the ability to make you feel at ease when learning English. His use of cartoons, visual images and comedy in his lessons make them both engaging and fun. 

I believe Russell will be a great asset to any ESL teaching position he may find. His dedication to preparation and delivering fun and interactive lessons, while still teaching the essential language skills can only be of benefit to his future students! 

I wish Russell all the best with his future teaching career! 

Rachel Brigg

TESOL Trainer/Assessor

LTi TESOL Director

To check out their courses Please Click here.



Russell is a great English teacher and friend. He has an English teaching certificate and can bring you professional tutoring; … He will take the teaching content seriously,


I have found Russel to be an excellent English tutor, and I would suggest him not only to those preparing for the IELTS but also to those learning English on their own. When it comes to English, Russel has been an enormous help to me. You can quickly feel at ease in his company and have engaging conversations with him about a wide range of subjects. I hold him in the greatest regard.


Russel is a very friendly and open personality. This made me feel very comfortable. Russel was able to give me good advice on how to improve my language. He is very flexible and enjoys teaching people. I would definitely recommend Russel to every student and English learner.
