Description of lessons:

Lessons are 55 minutes long to allow for finishing up and preparing for future studies.

These are great in-depth lessons. Such as, what’s the difference between concrete and abstract nouns, including several activities and testing for comprehension, plus revision of the previous studies if needed.

How do you decide which type of lesson is right for you?

A0/A1 English (Beginner/Elementary)

A0/A1 English, that is Beginner and Elementary levels corresponds to basic users of English who can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases.

A2/B1 (Pre Intermediate/Intermediate)

A2 English, that is Pre Intermediate level, corresponds to those persons who can understand basic expressions and communicate in simple manners.

B1 English, that is the Intermediate level, corresponds to persons who can understand and produce text on familiar topics and give descriptions and opinions on things.

B2/C1 (Upper-Intermediate/Advanced)

B2 English, that is, the Upper-intermediate corresponds to those who can produce clear, detailed text and interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity.

C1 English that is, Advanced level, corresponds to those who can express themselves fluently and spontaneously. They can use language flexibly and effectively for any purpose.

Other points of note:

If you still have any questions about which level you should take, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Purchasing ten or more lessons attracts discounts and/or added benefits. (The tutor and the student are to arrange the benefits. Extra lessons, extra activities, longer lessons, written English corrections or discounts can be examples of benefits.)

All lessons must be paid for in advance.

The exact length of time must be strictly kept.

If you cannot attend a lesson, you must give My Kind of English at least two business days’ notice. Your cancellation notice is for us to organise other students for that now vacant position.

Do you have other concerns? Then you can read the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions.


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